As you know we leave the USA in the fall for many reason but the biggest is to avoid all the election noise. We do vote however. Our vote comes via email and then we have several choses of how to return it but it has to be printed and signed. We can fax, mail, or deliver by hand. That last part confuses the top election people as they are of the party that does not want anyone to vote or cannot read the law, but that is another windmill that I charged and won for another time.
So, here is the travels of our ballots:
Checked by the Swiss/Russian/ Italian ballot inspector...... for evidence... envelopes and addressed
....through the olives foot to the road
...down the hill the plant store the horse and chickens
...through the school zone and rough road the Ape and Vespa garage the train station the tattoo shop (very new thing here)
......only 300 meters to go. The post is behind the Esso
......through the only stop light
...and we arrive
...short stand in line
...and our ballots are on their way.
We are proud to excerise our right to vote, no matter where we are. We would like to the thank the Federal Appeal judge who also just gave all us absentee voters equal rights in the State of Florida despite Florida's best effort to prevent people from voting.
“The state of Florida has categorically disenfranchised thousands of voters arguably for no reason other than they have poor handwriting or their handwriting has changed over time,” Walker wrote, criticizing the state for having “consistently chipped away at the right to vote.”In a blistering opinion, Walker called state voting laws “a crazy quilt of conflicting and diverging procedures” marked by a “complete lack of uniformity.” Three years ago, lawmakers changed the law to allow a “cure” for ballots with no signature, but no such fix was included for cases of mismatched signatures, which Walker called “illogical, irrational and patently bizarre.” He also said “there is simply no evidence” that ballots with mismatched signatures were cast fraudulently.
So, here is the travels of our ballots:
Checked by the Swiss/Russian/ Italian ballot inspector...... for evidence...
....through the olives foot to the road
...past the working sign
...past the neighbor
...down the hill the plant store the horse and chickens
....through the do not enter
...through the school zone and rough road the Ape and Vespa garage the train station the tattoo shop (very new thing here)
......only 300 meters to go. The post is behind the Esso
......through the only stop light
...and we arrive
...short stand in line
...and our ballots are on their way.
“The state of Florida has categorically disenfranchised thousands of voters arguably for no reason other than they have poor handwriting or their handwriting has changed over time,” Walker wrote, criticizing the state for having “consistently chipped away at the right to vote.”In a blistering opinion, Walker called state voting laws “a crazy quilt of conflicting and diverging procedures” marked by a “complete lack of uniformity.” Three years ago, lawmakers changed the law to allow a “cure” for ballots with no signature, but no such fix was included for cases of mismatched signatures, which Walker called “illogical, irrational and patently bizarre.” He also said “there is simply no evidence” that ballots with mismatched signatures were cast fraudulently.